Personal Growth

Video Challenge – Day 6: The Success Triangle

(If you can’t see the video, click through to the post, or check out the YouTube video)

If you’ve been finding the theory about the self-image a tad confusing, then this video will hopefully clarify the theory by getting you to take some practical steps to abandoning the self-image, and experiencing a personal transformation.

I decided to take a different presentation style so I can  read from a script, seeing how the content is extremely important (and I can’t afford to miss out any piece of information). Plus, the video is 10 minutes long, and it would’ve been too difficult for me to shoot without any notes.

I hope you get to enjoy this video. And if you have any questions or points you wish to raise, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

11 replies on “Video Challenge – Day 6: The Success Triangle”

I like your video very much, Haider.

I think that your ideal life or what your ideal life looks like is simply a self image.

I mean, you have a self image about yourself in your ideal life, and you try to achieve this self image through improving your knowledge, skills, and actions.

You need to create a self image about ourself in the future in order to improve yourself.

I totally agree on what you have said in the video.

Salam again Haider!

So, I like this video a lot for several reasons:

(1) I like the words on the screen and how the transition didn’t look like a typical ppt. slide transition (very neat)

(2) I like that there is enough content to comment on (with a resolution)

(3) I like that I can bookmark this video for future reference and most of what I like is found in one spot.

This is my favorite video so far, and I’m sure they are going to get better.

With relation to content:

I agree that we shouldn’t label ourselves in extreme ways and I like the fact that you highlight our freewill. But when you say something like “I’m new to video blogging.” Isn’t that a label? Or what about the word “amateur,” isn’t that a label? Somehow I feel that the elimination of labels isn’t entirely possible; however, I am very supportive of the notion that we should have a healthy view of ourselves. Perhaps, adopting a realistic, rather than skewed understanding of ourselves is an appropriate goal. Also, as you’ve mentioned, it is important to recognize that we are flexible and capable of change because of our freewill; as Chopra said “I am infinite possibilities.”

Thus, although I agree with many points you make and REALLY enjoy your presentation of them (it always makes me feel better to know that I can put my mind to achieving and experiencing anything), I have a hard time believing that it is truly possible to eliminate ALL labels (or even if that idea is healthy).

I’m looking forward to more videos and the chance to expand my understanding of these topics that you discuss.

Thanks for the video!

Mohammad, life feels a lot different without a self-image, because you no longer judge yourself, whether you reach your ideal or not. You are simply aware of your ability to make choices, and progress towards your Ideal.

Even if you manage to develop positive qualities, you see these as Skills you can improve on. That way, when someone tells you that you lack these qualities, you don’t feel offended, nor do you try to prove them wrong. You can objectively look at your own behavior and see if what others say is true or not.

The label belongs on your Knowledge, Skills, and Actions, not on you as an individual.

Mona, “I’m an amateur” and “I’m overweight” are both labels, but they *can* be healthy ones, provided that they are true, and that you don’t associate your Self with them.

In other words, “I’m an amateur” is a reasonable assessment of my Knowledge and Skills. I really don’t know how to use video. I’m not pretending to know what I don’t. But I don’t let this limit my Knowledge and Skills. I let it set my expectations of what I’m able to do, and I then work on developing my Knowledge and Skills – by taking Action – so I can move beyond this label.

Similarly, “I’m overweight” is a recognition that allows me to take Action towards my Ideal. I don’t associate myself with being overweight. I don’t say: “This is who I am.” Instead, I take Action to move beyond this description.

When labels are accurate at describing Knowledge, Skills or physical qualities they are healthy. I’m not saying that you should overlook facts. But it’s important not to associate with them in a way that gets you to avoid taking healthy actions towards your Ideal.

The problem with the Self-Image is that it’s a snapshot which states:

I am = amateur, or I am = overweight. If you identify with these labels in such a way you lose sight of your free-will and your ability to move beyond the labels.

Thank you both for your support and feedback! ‘Tis much appreciated! 😀

Thanks, Nemo. It was necessary, since I threw a few people off with the explanations I gave throughout the video series!

I agree with writing your ideal life down or your goals. I guess it makes you more focus.

But then again one might not want to write them down either because they haven’t yet concluded what they want or if they failed to achieve the goal, it’s like a #fail staring back.

I’m gonna try it out 🙂

Bloggylife, failure isn’t something you care about or fear when you drop your self-image, since you don’t see the failure as a reflection of you. But when you make a bit of progress towards your ideals, you’ll realize you can do so much more, and will have some evidence that your self-image that’s been holding you back isn’t real.

Not knowing what your ideals are is another story, but at least going through the exercise gets you thinking about how to develop your ideal. 🙂

Nice Hai. Love the presentation style.

I was thinking something that even if people around you would give such advice you would not be able to understand it unless you are on a personal journey of self understanding. And all the info and advice would be easier to tap into for inspiration to draw your unique understanding from.

Well done
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Also I think taking action is very important as a step to assess your skill and knowledge and you will keep on working on all three fronts throughout as you might shift your focus in between to get all to the same level to work together.
.-= Fate´s last blog ..Book your seat now =-.

Fate, taking action is definitely important. You can’t accurately gauge how much (or how little) you know without interacting with reality in some way.

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