
The Power of Not Now

“Do not delude yourself into thinking that such a thing as later actually exists. Later is never.”
~ Steve Pavlina (
on Twitter)

One of the greatest obstacles to balance and peace of mind is the desire to do everything we want to do at the same time.

We are told not to delay. Not to postpone. Not to procrastinate.

To take action and to get things done. Right now.

But productivity and the sense of balance rely heavily on the need to postpone some things so we can focus on only one thing at a time (or a few manageable things during a stretch of time.

“Not Now” is as important as “Now”.

Later does exist, and you need to make the most of it if you truly want to lead a balanced life.

No & Not Now

There’s a difference between a “No” and a “Not Now” (though parents are guilty of blurring the line between the two!).

“Not Now” doesn’t mean that you aren’t interested, or that you’ll never get round to the activity you want to do. It is an attitude established on a sound understanding of time and a healthy relationship towards it.

You can’t do everything at the same time. You can’t experience both full engagement and total disengagement together. These are states to be experienced separately, and both matter to you.

You might be involved in a big project now, so traveling the world isn’t an option at the same time. This doesn’t mean you abandon your love for travel. It means you attend to it when the time permits, based on a conscious decision of what you want to do Now, and what you will do Then (a time in the future).

Positive Procrastination

Putting things off isn’t always a bad idea. It really depends on why you’re putting things off and how important is it for you to do them now?

When you appreciate the power of “Not Now” you will realize that you don’t have to make sacrifices or compromises in life. Some things can wait, so let them wait. Without crossing them off your list, or losing hope of ever doing them.

Being able to decide what you want to do now, what you don’t want to do at all and what you will do at a later time is essential for healthy living.

Writers who constantly get you thinking about all your passions and demanding that you take action in pursuing every passion, right now, or else you’re making a compromise are simply being unrealistic and leading you towards early burnout.

Take a deep breath. Think of all the lovely things you want to do in life. Pick a few you’ll engage in in the days and weeks ahead. Make sure they cover all your life areas.

And put the rest off.

For now.

Until you have time to get to them.

That’s the way to protect your sanity and experience peace of mind.

2 replies on “The Power of Not Now”

Imam Ali “AS” said it B4:
Work for this world as if you live forever and work for the Hereafter as if you would die tomorrow!

Thanks for the contribution, Eaman!

Imam Ali’s saying came to mind as I wrote this post. It could make an appearance in an upcoming post, too! 😉

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