Personal Growth

Video Challenge – Day 1: Introduction

I’ve been meaning to use online video for a loooong time, and I finally faced my fears and launched my first video.

I must admit the camera is an intimidating device. I had to take mine out for dinner to break the ice and feel more comfortable speaking to it.

This isn’t the bestest of videos, and I’ve already noticed quite a few ways to improve the video, as well as some omissions. But I won’t be polishing the video or doing more retakes (the above video was the 3rd retake), so I don’t obsess about getting it perfect and stop publishing.

There’s a lot for me to learn and get used to, which is why I’ve set this video challenge for myself.

And thanks to Mark for the inspiration!

If you have any comments you’d like to share or answers to my question (check out the video for that!), please feel free to leave a comment below!