
Video Challenge – Day 13: The Maximum Way

(If you can’t see the video, click through to the post, or check out theΒ YouTube video)

OK, so this Video Challenge wasn’t conducted during consecutive days, but at least I’m getting the hang of video! πŸ™‚

Today’s video looks at how life balance doesn’t involve compromise, but aiming for The Maximum Way.

So what’s The Maximum Way? Watch the video to find out!

Tomorrow I’ll be shooting my final video in the challenge, and will explain what I’ll be doing after the challenge is done.

As always, if you have any comments or complaints, feel free to voice them in the comments section. πŸ™‚

8 replies on “Video Challenge – Day 13: The Maximum Way”

Good point, but i disagree with you regarding the 7 to 8 hours sleep. in our religion (Islam), we are asked to wake up before Morning prayers (Salat Al-Fajer) time to do some Quraan reading and some worshiping…the results you will find when you try it. A study was made years back in the states and they discovered that our bodies rest after 4 to 5 hours of sleep in summer time, and 5 to 6 hours in winter time.

We need to see some face emotions πŸ˜€

Gina, I’m happy to hear this post came at the right time! You can thank my illness for postponing this video until I recovered and you needed to see it. πŸ˜›

Ali, thank you for your input, and welcome to my blog! πŸ˜€

I’m still not sure what the ideal sleep time is. I’m of the opinion that 5 hours of sleep at night and a power nap in the afternoon are good, but I have yet to reach such a routine so can’t verify if that’s healthy or desirable.

A lot of studies suggest 7 or 8 hours are good, which is why the example I gave for too few hours is 2 hours, and not 5 or 6. πŸ˜‰

Besides, waking up at sunrise doesn’t mean you should sleep for 5 hours. It means you can sleep earlier at night. Mark Sisson of points out that nighttime is ideally suited for sleep, relaxation, or moderate work.

I tried to stick to that by avoiding computers and screens at night (to avoid overstimulation), but working on the videos kinda ruined my routine.

And I’m still working on my facial expressions. If only I can use emoticons in my videos! πŸ˜›

I was thinking about the comment from Ali and it occurred to me that our hours and amount of sleep can be set just as our needs for food…by letting our body “tell” us! Of course this takes a lot of experimenting and being aware of how the body feels. But because what works for us today will not be the same as when we are sick, stressed, 10 years older etc, we might go right to the source and feel what our own individual body needs in each season of life. Not to mention what works for Mark Sisson probably will not work for me!
Another point in how much sleep we need is that lack of sleep is cumulative the debt continues to build so while we may get used to a sleep-depriving schedule, our judgment, reaction time, and other functions are still impaired.

I never noticed the lack of “emotion” on you pod casts…I just took it as serious and to the point. Then I recalled all your emotion in your writing…made me laugh! πŸ˜€

Gina, Mahalo for your input!

It’s very important to listen to our bodies, but sadly – due to the damage we’ve caused to them – they usually speak in tongues. πŸ˜›

I’m very happy with all of Mark’s advice, but I think the sleep thing might be more flexible than he describes. I’m just not too sure about it at the moment.

I’m gonna practice chatting with my camera more to let my sense of humor express itself in my videos! πŸ˜€

Haider we need to learn the language and YOU are helping so many to do just that. The body did not betray us, we just forgot how to listen (or understand the language).
I look forward to your humor on camera…btw you are doing amazing work on camera, it is no easy feat, kudos to you!

Thanks, Gina!

I’m learning to listen to my body as well and sharing what I learn. πŸ™‚

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